Credit union auditor resources from redboard

In order to be productive, effective, and efficient in today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to have access to the right resources. That’s why we created the Credit Union Auditor’s Resources Survey.

The purpose of the survey is to help you understand which tools and resources your peers use. Our hope is that you’ll be able to use them too!

The survey will take 7 minutes or less to complete.  You may take the survey here.

The Purpose of Our Survey

In the spirit of efficiency, our survey serves two purposes:

  1. The results of the survey will introduce you to a variety of credit union audit resources. Tools, organizations, and discussion groups are included. You may find a new resource that your peers use and swear by.
  2. The survey will also help us evaluate and suggest the best resources available. We will use the information we gather from the survey to learn about, assess, and recommend resources for credit union auditors.

Thank you in advance for helping us with our survey! By participating, you’re helping you and your peers.

Take the survey here.

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Learn a structured process to manage the findings process. Resolve audit findings — on time and as expected. Escape from the pain of managing via spreadsheet and cut your administrative time in half.
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