How Redboard Chose Its Business Model - As Described on
Please forgive the self-promotion, but I was thrilled to see Redboard featured Thursday in Ian Altman's piece on choosing the right business model.

From the start of this venture, I have tried to put the needs of credit unions first. That includes decisions about features, security, training, pricing and more.

It's gratifying to see that approach named as a prime example of how to create a successful business model.

As Ian wrote, "Unfortunately, too many businesses overlook the customer's needs when setting up their models."

If you want to read more details about how Redboard chose its business model, I encourage you to read the piece: Here's How To Choose Which Business Model Is Right For You
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Written By Brad Powell

Brad Powell runs Redboard, a company that helps credit unions better respond to regulatory examinations. He has 20 years of experience developing technology for credit unions and financial services companies.
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