Does your audit process meet NCUA regulations?
Here’s a hypothetical: your credit union has just been audited. You mobilized your team, they collected documents and provided answers to any pertinent questions, and you compiled and submitted all the information. How well do you sleep that night?
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Why Use a Tool for Your Audit Process?
One thing is for certain: when it’s time for an audit, you need tools at your disposal. What kind of tool you need for that process depends on how much legwork and risk you’d like to take on.
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My Career Path to Redboard
Not many professionals enjoy a straight path to wherever they end up. Like most people, I took the scenic route to creating Redboard. I hope that by sharing a little about myself, you can see what kind of values lie at Redboard’s core.
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How do Credit Unions get Great Audit Results?
If you’re spending money on new auditing tools, you’ll want to know that the money you spend is actually doing something for your credit union. To better discern what Redboard’s impact is, we have a few evaluative questions to help you gauge Redboard’s efficacy.
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Getting your Credit Union Organized for an Audit or Exam
Preparing your credit union for an audit or exam, whether internal or external, is a time-consuming process. If your credit union is preparing for an audit, what will you need in order to ensure a smooth process?
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Managing Credit Union Risk Management
One of the benefits of using Redboard is mitigated risk during internal and external audits. We’ll explore some of the ways that Redboard reduces risk for your credit union, and then we’ll discuss whether that risk reduction is right for you.
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How Redboard Chose Its Business Model - As Described on
Please forgive the self-promotion, but I was thrilled to see Redboard featured Thursday in Ian Altman's piece on choosing the right business model.
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Credit Unions and the Regulatory Burden: Disconnect, Pessimism and Risk
At your credit union, you know exactly how cumbersome regulations (and the examinations that come with them) can be.
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The Hidden Risks in Credit Union Regulatory Examinations — and How to Avoid Them
I recently was invited to give a talk at the Credit Union InfoSecurity Conference in San Diego. I shared five of the hidden traps for regulatory compliance and examinations for credit unions. What follows is the lightly-edited text of that presentation.
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How the NCUA AIRES Questionnaires Can Help Your Credit Union Prepare for Your Next Regulatory Examination
For most credit unions we talk to, regulatory examinations are a bit like college finals week. They cause a lot of stress and, like a cram session, your team often ends up rushing to get the examiner everything they need at the last minute.

You could say there’s a reason regulators call them exams.

But the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) publishes detailed roadmaps to passing – the kind of study guides that only the most lenient professor would provide.

These guides are called the AIRES questionnaires. They’re easy to download and available to any credit union.
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